Nicholas Watkins, a highly experienced business leader with a very varied professional background. He has occupied positions as chief executive, main board member and non-executive director for a number of public, private and early start up companies, often with complex board structures.

An early career as a navigating officer in the British Merchant Navy was followed by successful senior executive appointments in the media, leisure, sports and senior executive search sectors, working for such companies as the Rank Organisation Plc, the Chrysalis Group Plc, Tyzack & Partners, Panasonic International and Swindon Town FC.

In 2003 he established Q4 Management Limited, primarily engaged in the provision of mentoring, coaching, leadership development and organisational advisory services to businesses and business executives. Nicholas gained a Postgraduate Certificate in Business and Personal Coaching from the University of Chester in January 2011, and he is an Associate with AndCoaching, and a Board member of the Excalibur Academies Trust. He delivers regular talks on career planning and career management.